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Year: 2002  Vol. 6   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Original Article
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Anatomic and Surgical Implications of the Medial Orbital Wall: Relationship Between its Structures and the Orbital and Skull Dimensions
Implicações Anátomo-Cirúrgicas da Parede Medial da Órbita: Relações de suas Estruturas com as Dimensões Orbitárias e Cranianas
Ciríaco Cristóvão Tavares Atherino*.
Key words:
orbital anatomy, ethmoidal surgery, ethmoidal arteries, orbital surgery, craniometry

Introduction: The medial orbital wall is a key point for a large number of surgical procedures. However, neither the otolaryngologists nor the ophthalmologists had carefully studied this area. Objective: To study the main structures of this wall measuring the distances between the anterior lachrymal crest and: the posterior lachrymal crest (measure A), the anterior ethmoidal foramen (measure B), the posterior ethmoidal foramen (measure C), the medial aspect of the optic canal (measure D); moreover, the distance between the anterior and the posterior ethmoidal foramina (measure E) and the distance between the posterior ethmoidal foramen and the medial aspect of the optic canal (measure F), correlating these measures with the skull and orbital dimensions. Material and Methods: We analyzed 20 adult dried skulls (40 orbits) using the skull index and the vertical skull index as parameters of the skull shape, and the Broca index to quantify the orbit’s shape. All the above measures were compared to these indexes. Results: There was no significant relationship between the skull and orbit´s shapes, between the skull shape and the intraorbital measures and between the orbit’s shape and the intraorbital measures. Conclusions: As it was not possible to foresee the localization of the structures of the medial orbit wall, a careful surgical exploration is needed in all cases.



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