The first eletrocnic Journal of Otolaryngology in the world
ISSN: 1809-9777

E-ISSN: 1809-4864


Year: 2012  Vol. 16   Num. Suppl. 1  - May - (175º)
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-977720120S1PO-006
Karina Marçal Kanashiro, Cristiana Vanderlei de Melo, Francisco Pierozzi D' Urso, Tânia Karina Galindo Falcão, Antonio Carlos Cedin

OBJECTIVE: To tell to cases of nasal granulomatosis diagnostic in the service of Otolaryngology of the Hospital of the Portuguese Beneficence of São Paulo between January of 2010 and July of 2011. CASE REPORTS IN CASE THAT 1 J.O.M., 56 years, natural of Threshed BA, farmer, and nasal blockage has 3 months, daily sneezing and rhinorrhea. The rhinoscopy, ample previous septal perforation with granulomas in edge of the left septal wall. In the serological inquiry, positivity for visceral and histopathological leishmaniose demonstrated chronic, non-specific inflammatory process, in activity. Patient directed to the service of tropical disease for pursuing. IN CASE THAT 2 J.C.F., 51 years, masculine, with picture of nasal blockage, nasal crusts in tanks with signals of chronic rhinosinusitis in paranasal sinus and destruction of medial wall of the left maxillary sinus to the computerized tomography. It had been diagnosised Granulomatosis of Wegener has three months for renal attacking. IN CASE THAT 3 F.L.A., 35 years, masculine, with gradual nasal blockage, epistaxis intermittent, mucopurulent rhinorrhea, cacosmy, left face pain have 5 months. To the rhinoscopy: great amount of crusts with areas of necrosis in inferior and average septal region, cornet left, bad smell and mucopurulent secretion of ipsilateral average meatus. After serological, rheumatologic and biopsy inquiry of the nasal injuries, the patient admitted to be using aggressive chronic and of cocaine. CONCLUSION the granulomatosis disease are pathology that affect multiples agencies. It is essential to attempt against clinical history looking evidences to it so that the otolaryngologic manifestations correctly are interpreted and lead, a time that the distinguishing diagnosis is difficult and many times, indeterminate. The chronicity of granulomatosis requires accompaniment for long periods, with comment of returns and remissions, to act whenever necessary.


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