The first eletrocnic Journal of Otolaryngology in the world
ISSN: 1809-9777

E-ISSN: 1809-4864


Year: 2012  Vol. 16   Num. Suppl. 1  - May - (185º)
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-977720120S1PO-016
Marcos Pereira Leite Lima, Maria Elisa da Cunha Ramos Miterhof, Pedro Dantas Lodi de Araújo, Raphaella Costa Moreira Simen, Edna Patrícia Charry Ramirez, Raphael Teles Cyrillo

OBJECTIVE: this work has as objective to tell to a case of tinnitus and dizziness of vascular origin. CASE REPORT: DMC, feminine sex, 76 years, with complaint of tinnitus and dizziness has four months. Sistemic, dyslipidaemia arterial hypertension, mioclony hemifacial. Symptoms with frequency of approximately three times per week. Tinnitus of the wheeze, constant, unilateral type to the left. Dizziness of difficult characterization. Patient told an episode of rotatory vertigo to the wakening has 04 months behind. After this initial presentation the patient had difficulty to characterize a standard of the too much occurred episodes. Otolaryngological and neurological examination without abnormalities. The otoneurologic tests had been carried through all that had suggested suspicion of alterations of vascular origin. Carotid and vertebrate echo Doppler of normal. RNM of skull evidenced crooked fundamental artery and with swarming flow. CONCLUSION: An anamneses detailed added to a complete otoneurologic inquiry supplies given important to arrive itself at an initial diagnosis of Syndrome of Vascular origin.


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