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General instructions for submission of manuscripts to the


Editor-in-Chief - Geraldo Pereira Jotz, M.D. Ph.D.
Co- Editor - Aline Gomes Bittencourt, M.D.

Editorial Office:
Rua Teodoro Sampaio 483
Zip code 05405-000
São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Phone/FAX: +55 (11) 3085-9943

International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology (IAORL) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, audiology, and speech therapy.

IAORL is published every three months and supports the World Health Organization (WHO) and of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) politics regarding registration of clinical trials. Therefore from now on we will only accept for publication articles of clinical trials that have been given a number of identification from one of the Clinical Essay Registry validated by the criteria established by the WHO and the ICMJE, the links to which are available at the ICMJE (http://www.icmje.org/). The identification number should be given at the end of the abstract.

IAORL reserves the right to exclusive publication of all accepted manuscripts. We will not consider any manuscript previously published nor under review by another publication. Once accepted for review, the manuscript must not be submitted elsewhere. Transfer of copyright to IAORL is a prerequisite of publication. All authors must sign a copyright transfer form.

Authors must disclose any financial relationship(s) at the time of submission, and any disclosures must be updated by the authors prior to publication. Information that could be perceived as potential conflict(s) of interest must be stated. This information includes, but is not limited to, grants or funding, employment, affiliations, patents, inventions, honoraria, consultancies, royalties, stock options/ownership, or expert testimony.

Article Categories
The journal publishes the types of articles defined below. When submitting your manuscript, please follow the instructions relevant to the applicable article category.

Original Research: Original, in-depth, clinical or basic science investigations that aim to change clinical practice or the understanding of a disease process. Article types include, but are not limited to, clinical trials, before-and-after studies, cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional surveys, and diagnostic test assessments. Components of original research are:
 A title page, including the manuscript title and all authors’ full names, academic degrees (no more than three), institutional affiliations, and locations. Designate one author as the corresponding author. Also indicate where the paper was presented, if applicable.
 A structured abstract of up to 250 words with the headings: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
 The Manuscript body should be divided as: introduction with objective(s); method; result; discussion; conclusion; references.
 Manuscript length of no more than 24 pages (exclusive of the title page and abstract). There is no limit on references.
 Studies involving human beings and animals should include the approval protocol number of the respective Ethics Committee on Research of the institution from which the research is affiliated.

Systematic Reviews (including Meta-analyses): Critical assessments of literature and data sources on important clinical topics in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. Systematic reviews that reduce bias with explicit procedures to select, appraise, and analyze studies are highly preferred over traditional narrative reviews. The review may include a meta-analysis, or statistical synthesis of data from separate, but similar, studies leading to a quantitative summary of the pooled results. The components of a systematic review are:
 A title page, including the manuscript title and all authors’ full names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations, and locations. Designate one author as the corresponding author. Also indicate where the paper was presented, if applicable.
 A structured abstract of up to 250 words with the headings: Introduction, Objectives, Data Synthesis, and Conclusion.
 The Manuscript body should be divided as: introduction; review of literature; discussion; final comments; references.
 Manuscript length of no more than 24 pages (exclusive of the title page and abstract). There is no limit on references.

Case Reports: Report of a truly unique, highly relevant, and educationally valuable case.
 A title page, including the manuscript title and all authors’ full names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations, and locations. Designate one author as the corresponding author. Also indicate where the paper was presented, if applicable.
 A structured abstract of up to 250 words with the headings: Introduction, Objectives, Resumed Report, and Conclusion.
 The Manuscript body should be divided as: introduction; review of literature with differential diagnosis; case report; discussion; final comments; references.
 Manuscript length: no more than 2 pages.
 The Manuscript should include the approval protocol number of the respective Ethics Committee on Research of the institution from which the research is affiliated.

Update Manuscripts: The manuscript is an update that explores a particular subject, developed from current data, based on recently published works.
 A title page, including the manuscript title and all authors’ full names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations, and locations. Designate one author as the corresponding author. Also indicate where the paper was presented, if applicable.
 A structured abstract of up to 250 words with the headings: Introduction, Objectives, Data Synthesis, and Conclusion.
 The Manuscript body should be divided as: introduction; review of a particular subject; discussion; final comments; references.
 Manuscript length of no more than 15 pages (exclusive of the title page and abstract). There is no limit on references.

Letters to the Editor and Opinion articles: Only by invitation from the Editorial Board. Manuscript length: no more 2 pages.

Manuscript Preparation
Correct preparation of the manuscript will expedite the review and publishing process. Manuscripts must conform to acceptable English usage.

Necessary Files for Submission (each topic should start in a new page):
 Title Page
 Manuscript (main text, references, and figure legends)
 Figure(s) (when appropriate)
 Table(s) (when appropriate)

In accordance with double-blind review, author/institutional information should be omitted or blinded from the following submission files: Manuscript, Figure(s), Table(s), Response to Reviewers.

The Abstract should be followed by three to six keywords in English, selected from the list of Descriptors (Mesh) created by National Library of Medicine and available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/2013/mesh_browser/MBrowser.html.

Abbreviations: Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract. When using abbreviations in the text, indicate the abbreviation parenthetically after the first occurrence and use the abbreviation alone for all subsequent occurrences.

Authorship: Authorship credit should be based on criteria established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: (1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published.

References: Authors are responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and format of their references. References should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numbers in the text. All authors shall be listed in full up to the total number of six; for seven or more authors, list the first three authors followed by "et al.” There should be no more than 90 references for Original Articles, 120 for Literature review or update articles, and 15 for Case Report articles. Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names, or access the list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Sample references are given below. For more information, please check: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/.

- Journals: Author | Article Title | Journal Title | Date of Publication | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pagination.
Huttenhower C, Gevers D, Knight R, et al. Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome. Nature 2012;486(7402):207-214

- Dissertations and Theses: Author | Title | Content Type | Place of Publication | Publisher | Date of Publication | Pagination.
Baldwin KB. An exploratory method of data retrieval from the electronic medical record for the evaluation of quality in healthcare [dissertation]. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center; 2004:116

- Books: Author/Editor | Title | Edition | Place of Publication | Publisher | Date of Publication.
Valente M, Hosford-Dunn H, Roeser RJ. Audiology Treatment. 2nd ed. New York: Thieme; 2008

- Book chapters: Author of the chapter | Title of chapter | In: Editor(s) of book | Title of chapter | Place of Publication | Publisher | Date of Publication | Pagination.
Vilkman E. A survey on the occupational safety and health arrangements for voice and speech professionals in Europe. In: Dejonckere PH, ed. Occupational Voice: Care and Cure. Hague: Kugler Publications; 2001:129-137

- Electronic material: for articles taken entirely from the Internet, please follow the rules mentioned above and add at the end the web site address.
Ex: AMA: helping doctors help patients [Internet]. Chicago: American Medical Association; c1995-2007 [cited 2007 Feb 22]. Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/.

Figures: Figures must be uploaded separately. Include the number of the figure in the description box.

Figure Legends: Provide a legend for each figure. List the legends (double-spaced) on a separate text page, after the reference page. Up to 8 pictures will be published at no cost to the authors; color pictures will be published at the editor's discretion. Acceptable submissions include the following: JPG, GIF, PNG, PSD, or TIF. The Publication Management System accepts only high definition images with the following features:

- Width up to 1000 px and DPI equal to or higher than 300;

- The image formats should be preferentially TIF or JPG;

- The maximum image size should be 8 MB;

- If figures have multiple parts (e.g., A, B, C, D), each part must be counted as a separate image in the total number allowed.

Tables and Graphs: tables should be numbered in Arabic numbers consecutively as they appear in the text, with a concise but self explicative title, without underlined elements or lines inside it. When tables have too many data, prefer to present graphics (in black and white). If there are abbreviations, an explicative text should be provided on the lower margin of the table or graph.

Appendices: Appendices will only be published online, not in the print journal, and may include additional figures or tables that enhance the value of the manuscript. Appendices must be submitted online with the rest of the manuscript and labeled as such. Questionnaires will be considered as Appendices.

Online Manuscript Submission
All manuscripts should be submitted at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iaorl, which gives access to the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission system where the submission of the article is done by the authors and the evaluation process is done by the reviewers of our editorial board in a blinded process where the names of the authors are not displayed in any instance. The system will ask for your user ID and password if you have already registered. If you have not registered, click on the link “Create Account” and make your registration. In case you have forgotten your password, click on the appropriate link and the system will generate an automatic e-mail with the information.

The author(s)should keep a copy of all submitted material for publication because the editor cannot be held responsible for any lost material.

After submission, the system offers the option of saving a copy of your manuscript in PDF format for your control.

The journal strongly recommends that the authors submit their electronic manuscripts written in Microsoft Word. In the “Preparing Manuscript” step a screen that simulates the word processor will be displayed, where it is possible to “copy and paste”, including tables.

Mandatory Author Forms
Ethics, Financial Disclosure, and Copyright Transfer Agreement: The manuscript will be assigned to an Editor for solicitation of peer review and editorial evaluation ONLY after this form has been submitted by the corresponding author.

Patient Confidentiality
For manuscripts containing photographs of a person, submit a written release from the person or guardian, or submit a photograph that will not reveal the person’s identity (eye covers are inadequate to protect patient identity).

Using Previously Published Material and Illustrations
For manuscripts containing illustrations and/or material reproduced from another source, permission from the copyright holder, medical illustrator, or original publication source must be obtained and submitted to the editorial office.

IRB Policy and Animal Studies
For all manuscripts reporting data from studies involving human participants, formal review and approval, or formal review and waiver (exemption), by an appropriate institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee is required and should be described in the Methods section with the full name of the reviewing entity. All clinical research requires formal review, including case reports, case series, medical record reviews, and other observational studies. For experiments involving animals, state the animal-handling protocol in the Methods section, including approval by an institutional board.

Duplicate or Redundant Submission
Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication. If the author explicitly wishes the journal to consider duplicate publication, he or she must submit the request, in writing, to the Editor with appropriate justification.

Submissions not in compliance with the following instructions will be returned to the author by the editorial office and a corrected version must be resubmitted within 30 days. Papers not resubmitted within that time will be withdrawn from consideration.
Revised manuscripts must follow the same instructions and should be submitted within 30 days of the revision letter date.
Accepted manuscripts sent to the publisher will be typeset and proofs will then be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author. If proofs are not approved and received within 2 business days, the article will not be published.
The reviewers should send their comments within 20 days.

English Language Assistance
Appropriate use of the English language is a requirement for publication in IAORL. Authors who wish to improve the grammar and spelling in their articles may wish to consult a professional service. Many companies provide substantive editing via the web. A few examples are:
· www.journalexperts.com
· www.editage.com
Please note that IAORL has no affiliation with these companies and use of the service does not guarantee your manuscript will be accepted.

The International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Scientific Merit Journal Prize
Dear Colleagues,

The IAORL Scientific Merit Journal Prize is awarded every year for the three best systematic review (meta-analysis) papers published each year in the journal. The 2013 manuscript awards will be selected from articles published in issues 1-4 of volume 17, based on novelty, impact, data quality, and number of online downloads by the journal readers.

The adjudication committee consists of the editorial board, assisted by comments received through the peer review process. The judgment of the papers will be published after issue number 4 of volume 17. The result will be communicated to the winners and officially published in volume 18 of IAORL.

All authors and co-authors will receive certificates of award and the first author of each of the three selected manuscripts will receive $1,000.

Geraldo Pereira Jotz
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology

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