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Year: 2013  Vol. 17   Num. Suppl. 1  - Print:
Felipe Longo Delduque Teixeira, Camillus Magalhães Carneiro dos Santos, Larissa Claret de Lima, Paulo Henrique Bicalho de Barcelos, Rita de Cassia Soler, Torcuato Sanchez Rojas Neto

OBJECTIVE: To report a peripheral vertigo case caused due to labyrinthine hemorrhage in a heart patient. Labyrinthine hemorrhage is a labyrinth disease of vascular origin that is related to cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, blood pressure, acute myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis, and arteriovenous fistula (extracranial carotid and basilar vertebra). It is caused by leukemia, skull trauma, or anticoagulant use, and dizziness is the main symptom. Treatment administered depends on the etiology and antivertigo and vestibular rehabilitation exercises are recommended. The prognosis is related to the intensity of the internal ear lesions and the causative agent. CASE REPORT: Patient SMU, a 72-years-old woman, presented at the ambulatory with dizziness, vomiting, aural plenitude, and humming in her left ear for the past 15 days. She was previously hospitalized for 7 days and was administered Dramin, which caused slight improvement in the symptoms. In the period of internment, she underwent laboratory exams without alterations. Oroscopic, rhinoscopic, and otoscopic examinations were normal along with a positive Romberg test at the right and nystagmus was absent. Patient was treated with regular doses of substrate, propanolol, somalgin, sinvastatina, and monocordil preceding angioplasty 3 years ago. CONCLUSION: Peripheral vertigo must be recognized as a symptom by otorhinolaryngologists; investigation of its etiology is important for initiation of therapy.



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