Year: 2001 Vol. 5 Num. 2 -
Print: |
Nasal Hemangioma and Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature |
Hemangioma Nasal e Gravidez: Relato de Caso e Revisão da Literatura |
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Author(s): |
Marconi T. Fonseca*, Marcos A. C. Lacerda**, Raquel T. F. Silva***, Aureliano C. Barreiros****.
Key words: |
nasal hemangioma, epistaxis, pregnancy, degloving. |
Abstract: |
Introduction: The Hemangioma is a tumor often found in the head and neck area, accounting for about 20% of all the nasal vault tumors.
Aim: The goal of this paper is to look into the more appropriate options for diagnosing and treating the Nasal Hemangioma, as well as the possible relations between the vascular tumor and pregnancy hormonal changes.
Material and method: We report the case of a young female patient, who developed recurrent epistaxis in the right nasal vault after the third month of pregnancy, caused by a capillary hemangioma.

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