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Year: 2001  Vol. 5   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
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A New Therapeutic Option for the Treatment of Objective Venous Pulsatile Tinnitus
Uma Nova Alternativa Terapêutica para o Tratamento do Zumbido Pulsátil Objetivo de Origem Venosa
Tanit Ganz Sanchez*, Márcia Sayuri Murao**, Italo Roberto Torres de Miranda**, Márcia Akemi Kii**, Ricardo Ferreira Bento***, José Guilherme Caldas****, Carlos Alberto Clavijo Alvarez ****, Carlos Henrique Raggiotto****.
Key words:
pulsatile tinnitus; vascular disease, vascular tumor, transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus.

Introduction: Pulsatile tinnitus arises from arterial or venous structures, usually due to a blood flow turbulence caused by an increase in the blood volume or by changes in the vessels lumen. The vascular tumors, malformation or anatomical variations are well-established causes of pulsatile tinnitus. Therefore, a deep clinical and radiological investigation is necessary to identify the possible etiology of this particular type of tinnitus in order to have the appropriate treatment in each case. Case Report: We report the case of a 54-year-old man with a disabling objective pulsatile tinnitus, whose CT scan showed an enlargement of the transverse / sigmoid sinus with a diverticular image toward the ipsilateral mastoid. Due to the disabling tinnitus, a surgical intervention vai the endovascular route was performed with a combination of stents and coils to obliterate the diverticular structure. After this procedure, the patient reported a complete and immediate remission of the pulsatile tinnitus. Conclusion: Thus, the authors point out to the importance of an adequate investigation of patients with pulsatile tinnitus and the treatment via the endovascular route with stent and coils as the alternative of choice in this specific pathology.



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