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Year: 2002  Vol. 6   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Original Article
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Neurootologic Evaluation of in a Population Exposed to Methylmercury
Avaliação Otoneurológica em uma População Exposta ao Metilmercúrio
Andréa Gomes de Oliveira de Arruda*, Volney de Magalhães Câmara**, Marco Antônio Tavares de Lima***, Débora Silva Teixeira****, Heloísa Pacheco-Ferreira*****.
Key words:
neurootology; central vertigo; methylmercury.

Aim: To investigate whether the exposure to moderated levels of methylmercury through dieting is a risk factor to the emergence of Central Vertigo. Material and Methods: 45 riverine children and teenagers, with ages between 8 and 16, of both sexes, from Barão de Melgaço municipal district, State of Mato Grosso were submitted to the analysis of the total Mercury in the hair. Among these, 38 were submitted to the neurootologic evaluation and 24 to the vestibular tests, performed with the Frenzel glasses. These tests included the research of the spontaneous and semi-spontaneous nystagmus, ocular scanning, positional nystagmus and vertigo, caloric test and ocular fixation. Results: The population studied presents elevated fish consumption, moderated levels of total mercury in the hair, tinnitus and vertigo as often complaints in the anamnesis. The exposure to mercury was not identified as a risk factor to the emergence of central vertigo. Conclusion: Central vertigo was highly prevalent, al through the exposition to methymercury could not be responsible as a risk factor.



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