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Year: 2002  Vol. 6   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Original Article
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Application of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy in a Public Hospital
Aplicação da Terapia de Retreinamento do Zumbido (TRT) em Hospital Público
Tanit Ganz Sanchez*, Maria Elisabete Bovino Pedalini**, Ricardo Ferreira Bento***.
Key words:
tinnitus, habituation, TRT, brain plasticity.

Introduction: Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is based on the neurophysiological model, and aims to decrease the annoyance and the perception of tinnitus. It is based on the plasticity of the central nervous system and has two basic principles: counseling plus sound enrichment. Aim: To describe the preliminary experience with TRT in tinnitus management of patients attended in a public hospital in São Paulo. Methods: Ten patients attended in the Tinnitus Service of Clinics Hospital of University of São Paulo were selected to perform TRT, five males and five females, whose age varied from 35 to 59 years (mean=46,8 and median=45,5years). All patients belonged to category one and received counseling plus broadband noise generators (Silent Star devices). The results were evaluated after 18 months of treatment, considering two different parameters: a. the subjective patient’s answer; b. the score of visual analogue scale. Results: According to the patient’s subjective evaluation, there was 60% of the cases improved tinnitus perception, 3 remained unchanged and one worsened. According to the visual analogue scale, improvement occurred in 80% and two remained unchanged. Conclusions: The preliminary experience with TRT in patients of a public hospital showed satisfactory results, comparable to international tinnitus centers. Adaptations may be performed if the basic principles of TRT protocol are strictly followed.



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