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Year: 2002  Vol. 6   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Original Article
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The Advantages of Sluder Technique in Tonsillectomies
As Vantagens do Sluder nas Amigdalectomias
Marco Aurélio Bottino*, José Celso Rodrigues de Souza*, Rodrigo B. Martinelli**.
Key words:
tonsillectomy, Sluder technique.

Introduction: Tonsillectomy is the most common surgery in the otolaryngological field, reaching up to 70% of all surgeries in some centers. Objective: To describe the experience with Sluder technique. Material and Methods: During 2000, 593 patients underwent tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy in Vila Mariana Hospital (SP), using the Sluder technique under general anesthesia. There were 522 were children and 71 adults. Results: The average time spent in those surgeries was 15 minutes for children and 30 minutes in adults. Eight patients (1,3%) presented postoperative bleeding, five children and tree adults. Conclusion: The Sluder technique is quick, effective and safe, being a good surgical option for tonsillectomies with or without adenoidectomy.



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