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Year: 2003  Vol. 7   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Reliability of Tinnitus Modulation Through Muscle Contractions and Results after Training with Repetitive Contractions
Reprodutibilidade do Teste de Modulação Somática do Zumbido e Resultados após Treinamento com Contrações Musculares Repetidas
Tanit Ganz Sanchez*, Ana Laura Brandão**, Adriana da Silva Lima***, Maria Cecília Lorenzi****, Ricardo Ferreira Bento*****.
Key words:
tinnitus, somatic modulation, rehabilitation, auditory connections.

Introduction: Maneuvers of muscle contraction involving head and neck muscles often modulate tinnitus intensity, suggesting the existence of anatomic and physiologic connections between auditory and somatic pathways. Objectives: To evaluate the reproducibility of tinnitus modulation by muscle contraction maneuvers and to determine the effect of prolonged repetition of muscular exercises upon tinnitus modulation and perception. Methods: 38 patients with tinnitus underwent nine maneuvers of head and neck muscle contraction for 5 seconds each in test (T1) and retest (T2) situations with a 7-day interval. All patients were then instructed to repeat those maneuvers twice a day during two months, after what they were re-evaluated regarding tinnitus modulation (T3) and daily perception. Results: There was no difference between the frequency of tinnitus modulation in test (57,9%) and retest (63,2%). After a two-month training, the distribution of tinnitus modulation was still similar to the test and retest (55,3%). Nevertheless, there was a change in the modulation pattern, with increase of tinnitus improvement and decrease of tinnitus worsening during the maneuvers. In spite of such changes, the perception of tinnitus was unchanged in 73,7% of the patients after the training. Conclusion: The maneuvers of muscle contraction involving head and neck muscles frequently evoke tinnitus modulation and these results are reproducible. After two months of training with repetition of the maneuvers, the pattern of tinnitus modulation showed an increase of improvement and a decrease of worsening during the maneuvers. However, the subjective perception of tinnitus remained unchanged after the training.



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