Year: 2003 Vol. 7 Num. 3 -
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The Stabilometric Test as an Objective Validation for the Discharge of Patients Submitted to Day-Surgery |
La Stabilometria Come Criterio di Valutazione Oggettiva per la Dimissibilitá del Paziente Otorinolaringoiatrico Operato in Day-surgery |
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Author(s): |
Renzo Mora*, Federico Baricalla**, Palmiro DellaCasa***, Francesco Mora ****, Andrea Barbieri*****, Maria Paola Cordone*****, Marco Barbieri*.
Key words: |
Stabilometry, static posturography, day surgery. |
Abstract: |
Introduction: According to the contemporary exigencies to reduce costs, day-surgery is surely destinated to spread more and more.
Objective: The aim of this study is to demonstrate that stabilometric test could be the right choice.
Methods: All the patients have been submitted to general anaesthesia induced with several drugs. Before and after anaestesia, the vestibulospinal system was evaluated using a stabilometric method.
Results: After general anaesthesia, the stabilometric parameters showed a moderate to high alteration that was strengthened upon eye closure.
Conclusions: The authors underline the importance to standardize a test to allow the discharge of patients who have been operated in general anaesthesia for selected pathologies, during the same day.

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