Year: 2003 Vol. 7 Num. 4 -
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Computerized Vectoelectronystamography: Pós Nystagmus Testing by Caloric Air Estimulation in Individuals Without Complaints. |
Vectoeletronistagmografia Computadorizada: Nistagmo Póscal órico à Estimulação com Ar em Indivíduos Sem Queixa. |
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Author(s): |
Maria Regina Flores*, Eloísa Sartori Franco**.
Key words: |
balance, vestibular function, computerized vectoelectronystamography, nystagmus, caloric test. |
Abstract: |
Introduction: With modern digital technology, many medical exams became computerized, such as the vectoelectronystamography. By this technology, the evaluation of the vestibular system has been more accurate with new and important parameters. Analogic caloric test was usually performed with water; nowadays we can use air instead of water.
Objective: To study the vestibular function in asymptomatic individuals by observing and analyzing the responses of nystagmus during caloric tests in computerized vectoeletronystagmografy evaluation.
Methods: Tests were performed in 56 individuals (31 females and 25 males) with ages ranging from 16 to 70 years old, with no complaints about the vestibular system, such as dizziness, vertigo, disequilibrium, decadence, tinnitus and hearing loss. The selection of subjects was performed through anamnesis, ENT exam and audiological evaluation.
Results: No alterations were observed in the value of the Angular Velocity of the Slow Component by hot air stimulation (42oC). However, cold air stimulation (18oC) evoked a small alteration in the Angular Velocity of the Slow Component in males and in females. This alteration called our attention which is above the normal VACL.
Conclusion: The inhibition effect of the ocular fixation was present in all asymptomatic individuals, characterizing an important sign of normality.

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