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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Infrared: A New Option in the Treatment of Rhinitis
Infrared: Uma Nova Opção Terapêutica na Rinite
Paulo S. L. Perazzo*, Luiz Ricardo L. Martin**, Washington L. C. Almeida***, Milton P. C. Moura****, César A. Lira*****.
Key words:
lower turbinectomy, nasal blockage, Infrared.

Introduction: Nasal blockage caused by hypertrophy of the lower turbinate is a common complaint in the daily otolaryngology practice. Objective: To demonstrate the use of Infrared Coagulator as a new option to promote relief of nasal blockage caused by hypertrophy of the anterior portion of the lower turbinate. Methods: This is a prospective study of 34 patients. Inclusion criteria were a history of persistent nasal obstrution after 3 months of clinical management, inferior turbinate head hipertrophy, negative history of infection, polyps, septal perforation or deviation. The procedures were performed under local anesthesia. As a follow up, the tip of the needle was introduced in the head of the lower turbinate, in each nasal cavity. The procedure lasted 1 second and was repeated 6 to 10 times, depending on the case. Results: One year after the procedure 33 patients (97%) showed relief of nasal blockage and 03 patients persisted with rhinorrhea. Conclusions: The infrared, initialy used in proctologic surgeries, offers comfort and feasibility, low cost, and no side effects when compared to other therapeutic methods.



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