Year: 2004 Vol. 8 Num. 2 -
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Psychological Aspects of Individuals with Bilateral Profound Hearing Loss Applicant to the Cochlear Implant |
Aspectos Psicológicos de Indivíduos Portadores de Surdez Profunda Bilateral Candidatos ao Implante Coclear |
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Author(s): |
Cibely Pedroso Zenari*, Maria Livia Tourinho Moretto**, Heloísa Romeiro Nasralla***, Ana Clara Duarte Gavião****, Mara Cristina Souza de Lucia*****, Ricardo Ferreira Bento******, Aroldo Miniti*******.
Key words: |
psychology, deafness, cochlear implant, psychic suffering. |
Abstract: |
Introduction: Deaf patients applicant to the cochlear implant are usually evaluated from the medical, audiological and psychological point of view.
Objective: To investigate the emotional experiences and unconscious configurations of these patients.
Method: Ten deaf adult candidates to the implant were studied. The instruments were: preliminary interview and the Drawing-Story, where 5 spontaneous drawings were asked followed by their story and another one where they were requested to draw a “person with problems”. The production of each patient was analyzed and then integrated in common observations.
Results: Patients who became deaf during childhood have restricted social relationships and they also feel dependent. Those who became deaf during adulthood have multiple losses beyond the hearing, such as social and work losses. Adults who became deaf because of craniocerebral trauma demonstrated self destructive unconscious motivations considering their life and histories of the occurrence.
Conclusions: The psychological evaluation using the Drawing-Story technique suggested profound emotional manifestations that allow interventions to contribute with the implant process. It confirms the pertinence of the psychological evaluation in the hospital scope. In conclusion, deeper interventions are important in order to insert the deaf people socially and eliminating bias.

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