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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
VHI Accuracy to Distinguish Dysphonic and Non Dysphonic Patients
Acurácia do VHI na Diferenciação do Paciente Disfônico do Não Disfônico
Geraldo Pereira Jotz*, Caroline Buzzatti Machado**, Roberto Chacur**, Silvia Dornelles***, Luciana Petrucci Gigante****.
Key words:
voice, accuracy, evaluation, voice disorders.

Introduction: The VHI (Voice Handicap Index) is a questionnaire that evaluates the voice quality. This index was created to measure voice diseases in patients. Objectives: To evaluate the VHI questionnaire in dysphonic and non-dysphonic patients. Methods: This report reviewed 300 adult patients from an Otolaryngology Clinic, being 156 dysphonic and 144 non dysphonic. All patients answered VHI questionnaire before the medical evaluation and underwent video laryngoscopy. The physician did not see the answers before his evaluation and only discussed the video laryngoscopy aspects with the patients. Results: The Mann-Whitney test showed significant differences (p< 0,05) in the functional, physic and emotional aspects, as well as in the total result between both groups. Conclusion: This study was effective in measuring voice disorders and in differentiating between dysphonic and non-dysphonic people in a significant way. However, the VHI with a positive value of 67 points or more showed low sensibility and high specificity.



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