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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Tinnitus Characteristics of Patients Attended in a Tinnitus Clinic
Características do Zumbido em Pacientes Atendidos em Serviço de Referência
Cláudia Couto de Barros Coelho*, Tanit Ganz Sanchez**, Ricardo Ferreira Bento**.
Key words:
tinnitus, annoyance, severity.

Introduction: Tinnitus is a common symptom occurring in about 15 % of the general population. In 80% of the cases, tinnitus is intermittent and mild. However, it affects daily life severely in the remnant cases. Objective: Estimate the most common tinnitus’ characteristics and define the possible factors related to tinnitus annoyance in the population attending a public hospital. Methods: Detailed information about tinnitus was obtained from 358 consecutive patients attending a tinnitus clinic, in a retrospective study. Patients rated their tinnitus severity on a visual analogue scale and received audiological tests. Results: The majority of tinnitus cases consisted of a single (57.8%) and bilateral (53.4%) tone, with sudden appearance (55%) and constant perception during the day (71.2%), being more frequent among females (61.7%). Patients reported tinnitus interference in emotional state (59,2%), in sleep (50,3%) and in concentration (49,3%), as well as in social activity (14,2%). Conclusions: Annoyance was higher between women. Tinnitus severity ratings were highly correlated with emotional distress, sleep disturbance, concentration problems and social life interference.



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