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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Case Report
Texto Text in Portuguese
Granular Cell Tumor of the Larynx: Case Report and Review of the Literature
Tumor de Células Granulares da Laringe: Relato de Caso e Revisão de Literatura
Giordania Gomes Campos*, Luzia Abhrão El Hadj**, Marcelo Lodi de Araújo**, Paulo Pires de Mello**, Nilcimar Lourenço Miranda***, Luiz Fernando Pires de Mello****.
Key words:
myoblastoma, Abrikossoff tumor, subglottic tumor.

Introduction: Granular cell tumor is an unusual growth of probably neuroectodermal histogenesis, first reported by Abrikossoff in 1926 with the name of myoblastoma. About 1.200 cases were reported since then, 50% in the head and neck. Of these, 10% have a laryngeal localization. Objective: To describe a case of a patient with diagnosis of laryngeal granular cell tumor. Case Report: A 34 year-old female patient presented with a neck mass as a first sign. Examination with a rigid laryngoscope demonstrated an irregular red hypertrophy lesion in the posterior third of subglottic region. The tumor was treated successfully by total laryngectomy. Conclusion: A granular cell tumor may present as clinically innocuous lesions on the larynx and the diagnosis is usually made by histopathology. The differential diagnosis should include squamous cell carcinoma.



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