All Issues
Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Case Report
Texto Text in Portuguese
Hemangiopericytoma of Sphenoid Sinus
Hemangiopericitoma de Seio Esfenoidal
Flavio Augusto Passarelli Prado*, Fabrízio Ricci Romano**, Richard Louis Voegels***, Ossamu Butugan***.
Key words:
hemangiopericytoma, nose, paranasal sinuses, nasal obstruction, sphenoidal sinus, vascular tumors.

Introduction: Hemangiopericytoma is a rare vascular tumor, which represents less than 1% of all vascular tumors. However, a relevant number of these tumors are found in the head and neck area. Objective: To describe a case of hemangiopericytoma in the sphenoid sinus. Case report: An adult female patient with nasal obstruction, presenting a tumor in the left nasal cavity, underwent complementary diagnostics tests and endoscopic endonasal surgery for complete excision of the tumor. The final diagnosis was obtained by hysthopathologic analysis. Conclusion: Few complementary tests are useful to obtain diagnosis of this hemangiopericytoma before the surgery. Routine histhopathological analysis of nasal lesions has great value.



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