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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Magnetic Implants in the Control of Pharyngeal Collapsibility in Animal Model
Implantes Magnéticos no Controle da Colapsabilidade Faríngea em Modelo Animal
José Antonio Pinto *, Denilson S. Fomin **.
Key words:
implants, treatment, sleep apnea.

Introduction: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, involving multiple levels of airway obstruction in 85% of the cases. The OSAS surgery has presented ineffective results mainly due to partial treatment addressed only to one site of obstruction without approaching the multiple levels of collapsible pharyngeal walls and tongue base. Objective: The objective is to experimentally demonstrate that magnetic implants sutured to the pharyngeal walls can maintain an open airway under different pressures. Methods: Two dogs were submitted to surgical procedure to compare the canine upper airway collapse with and without magnetic implants. Results: Under different pressure, we observed that the pharyngeal collapse occurred in the dog with nonmagnetized staples and an open upper airway was maintained in the one with magnetic implants. Conclusion: This animal model shows that magnetic implants can maintain an open airway under simulated collapse.



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