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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
Texto Text in Portuguese
Medical and Audiological Selection Criteria and Evaluation for Cochlear Implants Candidates: HC-FMUSP Protocol.
Critérios de Seleção e Avaliação Médica e Audiológica dos Candidatos ao Implante Coclear: Protocolo HC-FMUSP.
Maria Valéria S. Goffi Gomez*, Mariana Cardoso Guedes**, Sandra B. Giorgi Sant.Anna***, Cristina G. Ornelas Peralta****, Robinson Koji Tsuji *****, Arthur Menino Castilho ******, Rubens V. Brito Neto ******, Ricardo Ferreira Bento *******.
Key words:
cochlear implant, evaluation protocol.

Introduction: Nowadays not only the bilateral profound deaf subjects, but also the bilateral severe to profound deaf are considered possible candidates to the cochlear implant. These broadening boundaries have led to a significant increase in the amount of the potential candidates to the cochlear implant requiring more accuracy and relevance from the audiological and medical evaluations. Objective: The aim of this article is to describe in details the evaluation protocol used in our cochlear implant program of the audiological and medical area. Conclusion: The tests performed by the team aim to determine as precisely as possible who will benefit from de cochlear implant. We believe that the tests of the preoperative battery must be standardized in order to provide comparable data among the different centers involved in cochlear implantation, allowing technical and scientific development. For this reason we use most of the test suggested by the Latin American protocol.



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