Year: 2005 Vol. 9 Num. 2 -
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Olfaction Reactivation After Total Laryngectomy |
Reativação do Olfato em Laringectomizados Totais |
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Author(s): |
Maria Lúcia Cleto*, Lívia Maria Pedalini**, João Ferreira de Mello Júnior***.
Key words: |
laryngectomy, anosmia, olfaction, esophagic voice. |
Abstract: |
Introduction: After total laryngectomy, nasal airflow is definitively transferred to the thracheostoma, with a decrease of the olfactory acuity, causing anosmia.
Objectives: The aim of our study was to access the possibility of olfaction reactivation in total laryngectomized.
Methods: This was a prospective study with 12 total laryngectomized patients (10 males and 2 females), ranging from 45 to 72 years of age (average of 58.5) esophagean speakers, as well as an agedmatching control group with no nasal complains and no smokers. Participants were taught to create a negative pressure in the mouth, which was transmitted to nasal cavities, and formed an air stream into the nose. Close to the nostrils, several scents, non volatile, were placed, presented in liquid, dehydrated and solid forms.
Results: The liquid form was easily detected and identified. Patients from the control group detected 50% or more scents. None laryngectomized patient detected more than 75%, and 2 of them detected no scents at all.
Conclusion: With a simple maneuver, we could verify the possibility of the olfaction reactivation in total laryngectomized.
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