All Issues
Year: 2005  Vol. 9   Num. 2  - Apr/June Print:
Case Report
Texto Text in Portuguese
Temporomandibular Disorders and Masticatory Muscle Alterations
Distúrbios Temporomandibulares e Alterações da Musculatura Mastigatória
Onivaldo Bretan*, Emanuel Araújo Nogueira**.
Key words:
temporomandibular disorders, mastication muscles, pain, psychophysiological.

Introduction: The etiology of temporamandibular disorders is complex and still not resolved. Possible causes or exacerbation factors are related to malocclusion, trauma, psychogenesis, and parafunctional habits. Apparently the most frequent cause is the muscular alterations accompanying pain and associated with a psychic factor. Objective: To present six temporomandibular disorder cases with distinct clinical signs, the common factor being involvement of the mastication muscles. Case Reports: The main symptoms observed in our six cases were, respectively, unilateral temporal pain associated with a prior mastoidectomy, sensation of something round and uncomfortable in the jugal region, unilateral otalgia, increased unilateral pain in the temporal region, unilateral throat pain, painful swelling near the parotid region. Cases one, three, five, and six experienced muscular pain during palpation, and cases two and four had muscular hypertrophy. Conclusion: Psychological factors may be linked to chronic pain associated with mastication muscle alterations, and should be considered when investigating temporomandibular disorders.



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