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Year: 2008  Vol. 12   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
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Marcelo Miguel Hueb
Dear colleagues,

This edition opens a new phase of our journal, starting the twelfth year of consecutive distribution. In order to celebrate the 11 previous years, the most voted 3 original articles, the review article and case report article among the ones published in the four 2007's issues were selected. In a competitive voting, with an expressive participation of 70% of evaluators of our editor board, and with a great variety of votes, the great interest in the journal and in its content has been demonstrated.

We inform that such award will be repeated in 2008 for the 3 best original articles and again for the best review article and the best case report. See further details on the journal or on the Internet page (www.forl.org.br e www.arquivosdeorl.org.br).

All authors of selected articles will receive certifications allusive to such award, in addition to free enrollment for the next congress of Fundação de Otorrinolaringologia. In addition to this, the first author of each original article will even receive a special award for the study developed. The most voted articles in 2007 were the following ones:

- Investigation of Mitochondrial mtDNA4977 Deletion in Brazilian Patients with Presbyacusis; issue 11, article # 2. Original Article, with 10.88% of the votes in this category;

- Epidermal Growth Factor and Pentoxifylline in Subacute Tympanic Membrane Perforations; issue 11, article # 1. Original Article, with 10.2% of the votes in this category;

- Organ of Corti culture for functional analysis of precursor, support and hair cells; issue 11, article # 4. Original Article, with 9.52% of the votes in this category;

- Importance of Immunoglobulin G Subclass 2 and Especific Antibodies in Recurrent Acute Otitis Media in Childhood: A Systematic Review; issue 11, article # 3. Review Article, with 32.65% of the votes in this category;

- Cervical Emphysema as an Early Complication of Tonsillectomy; issue 11, article # 1. Case Report, with 24% of the votes in this category.

We hope to see you in our journal. Your participation is essential so that we have a stronger edition in Otorrhinolaryngology.

Warm regards,

Marcelo Miguel Hueb
Editor - International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Journal

PS. The article "Imagens Estereoscópicas Tridimensionais da Anatomia do Osso Temporal: Aquisição e Demonstração" (Stereoscopic Tridimensional Images of the Anatomy of the Temporal Bone: Acquisition and Demonstration) contains images which must be seen by using the 3-D glasses, coming along with the journal.



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