All Issues
Year: 2006  Vol. 10   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Marcelo Hueb
Dear colleagues,

It was with great pleasure that we took part at V Congresso da Fundação Otorrinolaringologia (ENT Foundation Conference) last August in São Paulo. The whole event, especially the level of scientific works, was very expressive regarding the high standard that home ENT and similar areas are enjoying at the moment. Innovative and creative works and sophisticated technologies reinforce the role and need of a national means for publishing this rich material, justifying once again the importance of the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Magazine and praising the work of their founders.

It was with honor and pleasure we could coordenate judgement of the competitive scientific works, with the essential help from our colleagues and friends Geraldo Jotz, Hélio Lessa and Roberto Meirelles to select the three best works.

In this way, the scientific community participation in our magazine has been of a great importance and certainly it will also make another selection process of the three best original articles for our publication in 2006 difficult. This will happen in order to celebrate our magazine tenth anniversary of uninterrupted publication. See www.forl.org.br. We are already thinking about rewarding for the year 2007!

Best regards,

Marcelo Hueb
Editor - International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Journal



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