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Year: 2008  Vol. 12   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
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Marcelo Miguel Hueb
Dear Colleagues,

With this edition we complete the twelfth year of continuous publication of our magazine Arquivos and close the 2006-2008 cycle, in which I worked as its editor. It was a great pleasure to receive the invitation from Ricardo Bento and continue the work developed by Tanit Sanchez. The support and collaboration of our friends from the associate editors and reviewers group, from Adriana Fozzati and Luive Osiano (Otorhinolaryngology Foundation), Vagner Bertaco (print HMáxima) and Kivia Marqueto, Daniel Marcoto and Márcio Argachof (GN1 - Genesis Network) were remarkable in theses three years. The participation of authors and coauthors who contributed effectively by sending their relevant works for our appreciation was also crucial. All this collective activity resulted in the remarkable presentation of our magazine to you, dear reader, the main reason for our work. Thank you very much!

For this cycle, the magazine was named Arquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia [International Files of Otorhinolaryngology] and we have introduced a new, modern and attractive graphic look both to the cover and the website (www.arquivosdeorl.org.br), and we maintained and strengthened its electronic identity and free distribution. The editorial body was expanded and reorganized and we also began to offer a modern publications management system for submittal of articles, which helped benefit the editorial transactions, speed up and dispatch the publications. The scientific community response to such changes was very positive, and increased significantly the number and quality of articles published at each edition, which helped the maintenance and conquest of new numbers and established a new visibility level through LILACS-Express and the international exhibition in the DOAJ (Directory OF Open Access Journals).

We are sure of the magazine ongoing improvement at each new editorial cycle and offer a material always in tune with the trends and needs of the otorhinolaryngologic community and relating areas, in addition to the continuous search of more and more significant international publications. Our great friend Geraldo Pereira Jotz, with Doctoral Degree in Otorhinolaryngology at UNIFESP, Post-graduated in Otorhinolaryngology at Pittsburg University, Assistant Professor and Head of the Morphological Sciences Department of UFRS and the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Service of ULBRA, takes over the magazine for this new phase. Moreover, as Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Foundation in Rio Grande do Sul, upon taking over the magazine, Jotz will keep on with the noble policies of decentralization of the Otorhinolaryngology Foundation and the prestige to its state representations.

I wish our colleague the utmost success in the direction of Arquivos magazine, which begins now with the coordination of the evaluation and secret voting for prizing of the 3 best original articles, 1 review article and 1 case report article, all published in the magazine in 2008.

Best regards,

Marcelo Miguel Hueb
Editor - Revista @rquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia



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