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Year: 2009  Vol. 13   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
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Geraldo Pereira Jotz

The International Files of Otorhinolaryngology was founded in the month of January of 1997 as the first magazine totally electronic worldwide in the otorhinolaryngology area, at the time of beginning of Internet. This dream was shared by Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ferreira Bento and Dr. Cláudio Lazarini, both fellows of the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of the Clinical Hospital of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. Since then, it was born with the initial target of becoming one of the most informative and up-to-date magazines. Over time it became a scientific magazine and Dr. Priscila B. Rapoport was in charge of publishing it.

The electronic publications of the Medical Science in Internet are in charge of a wide discussion within the National and International Scientific Community for presenting as a more flexible, interactive, affordable and rich means of dissemination of the scientific results compared to the publication on paper.

Today, many Institutions and Scientific Magazines are in the State of Art in the global world by helping in the gaps between the different bases of knowledge. Therefore, and in this spirit, we created the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 13 years ago, when it began to complete this gap, in a world that still didn't have a totally electronic magazine in the Otorhinolaryngology. After having been indexed by LILACS - LILACS EXPRESS (Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), LATINDEX (Regional System of Information in Line of Scientific Magazines of Latin-America, in Caribbean, Spain and Portugal), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden), we had the recognition by SciELO (Scientific electronic Library Online) Brazil, and was submitted to five evaluations before being accepted. The efforts of the Editors who came before us (Priscila B. Rapoport, Tanit Ganz Sancez and Marcelo Miguel Hueb), the Proofreaders, the support team at the Otorhinolaryngology Foundation of GN1 that maintains the Magazine in electronic format, the HMáxima, through editing and at last the very last and current board of directors of the Otorhinolaryngology Foundation, could mold this constant progress. Today, our North has been that of searching for new evaluation tools and valuation of the scientific content (including SciELO), in order to consolidate the studies dedicated to basic science and clinical science produced in Brazil and abroad that came and will come to be published in the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Magazine.

By the new guidelines of CAPES, in spite of not being totally set up, the archives published in journals indexed by SciELO began to be revaluated. The new system provides an equivalence factor among the several magazines by Qualis. Therefore, two publications by SciELO must be equivalent to one edition of MedLine, and four publications by SciELO to one edition by ISI.

The transition of the scientific publication model in the medical area, based on the role for electronic format, as well as the maintenance of both, imposes a number of challenges and these include the economical, scientific, political, technical and administrative order, which demands necessarily a review of our academic publication process, as well as the next goals to be achieved.

Geraldo Pereira Jotz
Editor - Magazine @rquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia



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