All Issues
Year: 2010  Vol. 14   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
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Editorial I
Editorial I
Geraldo Pereira Jotz

Dear (a) Colleague,

We ended 2010 with a positive impression, where our magazine has been increasingly sought after by national and international researchers, seeking the release of its results. In this second half we started to count on the support of FAPESP, an important organ for promoting the State of São Paulo, and a principal in the country.

SciELO presents itself as an important factor for indexing and dissemination of world science attached to it by its respectability and seriousness in dealing with science. We could not pass this year without thanking SciELO, their involvement and support, with the Journal for International Archives of Otolaryngology, in order to qualify the dissemination of our authors, giving more visibility to its scientific production. It is no wonder that the Impact Factor has been viewed SciELO, increasingly, by international agencies.

For 2011, we are rewarding works of systematic review (meta-analysis), trying to focus on models of articles that form the foundations and concepts in universal knowledge.

The works must necessarily be published in issues 1-4 of volume 15, of the year 2011. The rules are set to compete for prizes in this journal.

Finally, ask the Professor. Dr. Pedro Luiz Mangabeira Albernaz to that reported in the Editorial II of this issue, the story of one of our major contributors of the journal, Professor. Dr. Yotaka Fukuda, Tenured Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP), which did not have to leave the life to come to history, Brazilian and international otolaryngology. Nostalgic memories!

Hope to see you soon in our magazine, in future publications.


Geraldo Pereira Jotz
Editor - International @rchives of Otorhinolaryngology Journal
(Revista @rquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia)



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