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Year: 2011  Vol. 15   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
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Geraldo Pereira Jotz

Dear Colleague,

To start 2011, we wish you all a very beneficial year for great perspectives and opportunities.

In the beginning year, with new state and federal governments, we can maybe have new looks through the Brazilian science. In his article called "A dangerous signal to science" (Science Volume 306 (5705) of 12/24/2004), Alan Leshner warned that the United States were lowering the government investments for the year 2005 in science and invested the same amount (in dollars) as was placed for scientific research in 2004, that is, no additional investment compared to the previous years. In fact, the science is part of our relationship life and it changes our way of thinking almost on a daily basis. The concern of the author of that article published in one of the most renowned magazines of the world six years ago was that the entities should describe to the nonscientific communities, by means of papers and magazines, the need to impose to North-American congressmen the importance of annual increase of investments for scientific research.

It's worth remarking that in the last decade, the investments in research in the global world doubled and reached about U$ 1.1 trillion in 2007. However, it's worth emphasizing that in spite of the complaints of the academic community, the United States is the country that invests the most in research worldwide, reaching U$ 360 billion dollars (one third of the world investment in research) annually, and, although Brazil is on a growing line for this kind of investment, it invests the equivalent of 5% of the North-American investment (source: Valor Econômico Newspaper, 2010).

On the third of January, 2011, the new Minister of Science and Technology, Aloízio Mercadante, announced the goal of the new Brazilian government is to grow from the current 1.25% of the Gross National Product (GNP) to 2.5% of the GNP in the next decade, by significantly increasing the investments in Science and Technology in Brazil (Source: Valor Online Newspaper of 01/10/2011). For this to take effect, the academic community must systematically provoke the development agencies with new basic and clinical research projects to justify such investments in the short, medium and long term. And as professionals of the health area, we need to search for development unceasingly because it is not enough to seek more and more investments without being able to offer quality projects.

With broader research investments, studies like "Expression of the p53 in the Tumor and Oral Epithelium in Patients with Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer", published in this journal, may be multiplied and favor the patients with their oncologic follow-up and especially the civil society because the affection of the work force is growing in the young labor of a country like ours for this kind of disease and needs development for the control and early tracking of the cancer and its recurrence.

In 2011, the International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Journal will award systematic review works (Metanalysis), looking to place emphasis on models of articles that form the bases and concepts of the universal knowledge.

The contestant works must be published in the editions from 1 through 4 of volume 15, of 2011. The rules to contest are contained in this journal.

We hope to meet you soon in our journal in future publications.

Best regards,

Geraldo Pereira Jotz
Editor - International @rchives of Otorhinolaryngology Journal
(Revista @rquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia)



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