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Year: 2011  Vol. 15   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
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Review of the book: Atlas of Temporal Bone Surgery by Tuncay Ulug.
Resenha do livro: Atlas of Temporal Bone Surgery de Tuncay Ulug.
Review of the book
"Atlas of Temporal Bone Surgery" by Tuncay Ulug.

The book Atlas of Temporal Bone Surgery, by Tuncay Ulig, Thieme, 1st edition, 2010, in English, contains 203 greatly illustrated pages that help us understand the anatomy and technical surgeries of the temporal bone.

The book didactically approaches the external, middle and internal ear with detailed step-by-step illustrations that work as a reference not only for resident physicians but also for experimented surgeons who wish to broaden and update their knowledge.

The first chapters are devoted to general points, common to all otologic surgeries. These include the suitable management of surgical instruments, especially drills. The author suggests the size and type of the most appropriate drills for each surgical step and the suitable manner to perform hemostasis. It's a practical and objective book for a pleasurable study.

The other chapters are each dedicated to a specific surgery. Each of them initially discusses the indication of the procedure, followed by step-by-step detailing. At each step it presents a picture of the temporal bone appointing the anatomic structures and the instrument used for its performance.

There's the description of less complex surgeries since miringoplasties up to neurotologic access for experimented surgeons. In all procedures described, there is a concern of the definition and theoretical base connected to the surgical practice.

The book also includes five chapters with surgical techniques developed by the author, described in a schematic manner that may provide the reader with a different view.

As regards to the limitations of the work, what drew our attention the most was the use of anatomic pieces for illustration, no surgical material was used and this somehow involves the color of the pieces, especially where there are vessels and nerves. However, these bring no flaw to the detailing of the procedures.

On the whole, it's an interesting research for those who deal with otologic and neurotologic surgery. Thanks to the coverage of the themes it may be used by professionals in several levels of development.

Mariana Hausen Pinna
Assistant Doctor of the Otology Group of the HCFMUSP
Specialist in Otologic Surgery and Lateral Skull Base



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