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Year: 1999  Vol. 3   Num. 1  - Jan/Mar Print:
Texto Text in Portuguese
Osteoma of the internal auditory canal: case report and literature review.
Osteoma de meato acústico interno: relato de caso e revisão da literatura
1Rafael Burihan Cahali, 2Rubens Vuono de Brito Neto, 3Tanit Ganz Sanchez, 4Ricardo Ferreira Bento

Excluding those of the external ear canal, most temporal bone osteomas are found in squama and mastoid. Osteomas of the internal auditory canal are rare and seldon symptomatic. There are, however, some case reports with compression of the eighth nerve causing vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss; therefore, they all require clinical and radiological follow-up. Theoretically, compression of the seventh nerve is also possible, although, to the best of our knowledge, it's nerver been reported. We present a case of an osteoma of the internal auditory canal with sudden sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus.



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