OBJECTIVE: Raise the main surgical procedures performed in cases of re-operation polyps. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective description and recording of surgical re-operation between the 24 patients from January of 2010 to January of 2012. RESULTS: The main procedures were sinusotomy jaw (87.5%), septoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty (74.8%), ethmoidal sinusotomy (66.6%), frontal sinusotomy (54.16%), sinusotomy sphenoid (50%) turbinoplasties and lower (29%) and means (33.3%) and resection of synechiae (29.1%). In two cases there was a need for excision of antral-choanal polyp. In one case there was the diagnosis and resection of nasal-sinusal tumor (melanoma) requiring decompression of the orbit, ligation and closure of CSF fistula. Also in case there was a diagnosis and surgical treatment of choanae atresia. CONCLUSION: Despite the development of diagnostic methods and the spread of nasal-sinusal endoscopic surgical techniques the data suggest that some procedures are performed inadequately and / or without adequate preoperative planning requiring a combination of procedures in the nasal-sinusal re-operations.