The first eletrocnic Journal of Otolaryngology in the world
ISSN: 1809-9777

E-ISSN: 1809-4864


Year: 2012  Vol. 16   Num. Suppl. 1  - May - (282º)
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-977720120S1PO-113
Danielle Antunes Lopes, Rosane Almeida Rabelo, Pablo Gimenes Tavares, Diego Antonio Linhares Martinelli, Claudio de Campos Rodrigues, Calil Fraiha Sobrinho

Male patient, B.A.S.C, 62 years old, black, complaining of bilateral otalgia, worse in left ear, which had started about 30 days. It refers to days before the onset of pain suffered maxillofacial trauma (car accident), on occasion, was attended by the maxillofacial surgeon. Clinical assessment included dental occlusion, the condyles of the jaw opening and closing of the dental arch. It was also requested panoramic radiograph of the face, which showed no significant changes. The ENT examination showed oroscopy, rhinoscopy and otoscopy unchanged, however, had bilateral crackles on palpation of the temporomandibullary joint during opening and closing the mouth. Audiometric testing performed which showed mild sensorineural hearing loss, with profile type A tympanometry in both ears and stapedial reflex present bilaterally. Received symptomatic treatment and was referred to a dentist specializing in the diagnosis of dysfunction of the temporomandibullary joint. He returned to the otolaryngology after two months of treatment, no pain complaints. Made use of occlusal splint on the upper and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory. Reported that the improved otalgia occurred rapidly, in less than two weeks.


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