Introduction: Conductive hearing loss due to simple chronic otitis media can bring great suffering to the patient. Myringoplasty is the surgical technique which aim to restore hearing function by closing the air-bone gap and is widely used in hospitals that have residency in otolaryngology.
Objective: Demonstrate the hearing outcome of patients who underwent type I tympanoplasty in a otolaryngology residency service in the period of January 2006 to June 2014.
Methods: The study was conducted by a retrospective review of medical records of all patients with simple chronic otitis media who underwent tympanoplasty or myringoplasty type1 surgery in Hospital Servidor Público Municipal from January 2006 to June 2014. The audiometric profile was evaluated by determining the air-bone gap pre and postoperatively.
Results: We observed a success rate of surgery in 67% of patients who underwent myringoplasty. There was demonstrated hearing improvement and the reduction of the air-bone gap.
Conclusion: The surgical success with the incorporation of the graft and closure of the membrane was 67% and the improvement in audio quality in these patients was significant.