Objective: To analyze the eletroacoustics and electrophysiological findings in suckles that had had bacterial meningitis (MB). Material and Method: Suckles with MB diagnosis had carried through auditory evaluation by means of the otoacoustic transient emissions evoked (EOET) and evoked potential auditory of brainstem (PEATE). Results: 24 suckle had been evaluated, with average age of 2 months, 20 premature, of these nine with extreme prematurity. Other pointers of risk gifts had been: ototoxic medicines use (100%), permanence drawn out in ICU (87%), use of ventilation mechanics (60%), index of low Apgar (50%) and occurrence of hemorrhage to peri-intraventricular (37%). The EOET were gifts in 100% of suckle. In the PEATE we find average values of absolute latencies in the right ear of 1,42 ms for wave I; 4,07 ms in III and 6,32 ms in V, the left ear of 1,44 ms for wave I; 4,11 ms in III and 6,37 ms in V. For the interpeak latencies to the right we find average values of 2,64 for I - III, 2,26 for III - V and 4,90 for I - V, in the left ear we find 2,64 for I - III, 2,34 for III - V and 4.91 for I - V. Conclusion: The bacterial meningitis is the cause most common of deafness acquired in children. On average, 5 to 35% of the attacked patients develop sensorineural dyacusis, being deep and bilateral in 4%. However in this study no suckle presented dyacusis and attributes to the precocious treatment with dosage of dependent antibiotic of the filtration tax to glomerular.