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Year: 2003  Vol. 7   Num. 2  - Apr/June Print:
Case Report
Texto Text in Portuguese
Atipical Presentation of Rheumatoid Nodule of the Larynx
Apresentação Atípica de Nódulo Reumatóide da Laringe
Rafael B. Cahali*, Rui Imamura**, João Aragão Ximenes Filho**, Luiz Ubirajara Sennes***, Domingos H Tsuji***.
Key words:
rheumatoid arthritis, larynx, rheumatic nodules.

Introduction: Laryngeal involvement in rheumatoid arthritis is well known and the fixation of the cricoarytenoid joints is the most common manifestation. Nevertheless, rheumatoid nodules are very rare. Objective: To describe a case of rheumatic cysts of larynx, reporting the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Case report: A 35-year-old woman with progressive airway obstruction for 2 years, without any pulmonary disease, presented a few masses on supraglottic area which revealed to be rheumatic nodules. After their complete removal, patient was free of symptoms. Conclusions: This multiple nodules with cystic aspect in the larynx provoked severe airway obstruction and immobilization of the cricoarytenoid joint.



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