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Year: 2003  Vol. 7   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
The Role of Videoendoscopic Swallowing Study in the Quantitative Evaluation of the Oral and Pharyngeal Phases of Deglutition in the Elderly
A Utilização da Videoendoscopia da Deglutição para a Avaliação Quantitativa da Duração das Fases Oral e Faríngea da Deglutição na População Geriátrica
Patrícia Paula Santoro*, Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji**, Maria Cecília Lorenzi***, Fabiana Ricci****.
Key words:
dysphagia, nasolaryngoscope, swallowing.

Introduction: Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a problem related to the transfer of the bolus from the oral cavity to the esophagus. Its early detection can lead to compensatory strategies in an attempt to avoid potential complications. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study is considered the “gold standard” exam. The videoendoscopic swallowing study may represent an alternative diagnose exam, and its role in the detection of qualitative parameters of swallowing is well established in the literature. Aim: To evaluate the role of videoendoscopic swallowing study in determining quantitative parameters of the oral and pharyngeal swallowing phases duration Methods: We evaluated 40 elderly subjects free from spontaneous dysphagia complaints. The exams were accomplished by offering to the participants dyed bolus, as thin liquids, nectar thickened liquids, purée and solids. The anatomical structures and the functional aspects of swallowing events were directly evaluated by the fiberoptic nasolaryngoscope. A frame-by-frame analysis of the digitalyed recorded videoendoscopic images was performed to determine the duration of the swallowing events. Results: The results were similar to those obtained by other methods in the reviewed literature. Conclusion: The videoendoscopic swallowing study is a viable instrument to perform not only qualitative but also quantitative analysis of the oral and pharyngeal swallowing phases duration in the elderly people.



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