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Year: 2003  Vol. 7   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Reproducibility and Repeatability in Acoustic Rhinometry
Reprodutibilidade e Repetibilidade da Rinometria Acústica
Marconi Teixeira Fonseca*, Elder Y. Goto*, Carlos Eduardo N. Nigro*, Fabiana Maia Rocha**, João Ferreira Mello Jr.***, Richard L.Voegels****.
Key words:
Key words: acoustic rhinometry, reproducibility, repeatability.

Introduction: Acoustic rhinometry is a static method that measures nasal patency and quantifies minimal cross sectional areas and nasal volume. It is easy to perform, non invasible, has good accuracy and reproducibility, does not need patient’s cooperation and can be performed in children. Objective: To evaluate the reproducibility and repeatability of acoustic rhinometry in clinical conditions. Methods: Six patients were selected to undergo acoustic rhinometry. In order to analyze reproducibility, each person was submitted to five measurements of each nasal cavity in two different days, with oneweek interval. To study repeatability, each person was submitted to ten consecutive measurements of each nasal cavity. The same professional performed the exams, after twenty minutes of vasoconstriction and acclimatization. Results: The coefficient of variation of total nasal volume and total minimal cross sectional area were calculated for each person. In reproducibility, total nasal volume coefficient was 6.55% and for minimal cross sectional area was 7.86%. For repeatability, the coefficient of variation for nasal volume was 1.84% and for minimal cross sectional area was 3.55%. Conclusion: Our results confirm that acoustic rhinometry is a good and reproducible exam with clinical applications.



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