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Year: 2003  Vol. 7   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Parcial Inferior Turbinectomy Versus Submucosal Cauterization for Hypertrophic Inferior Turbinate
Turbinectomia Parcial Inferior Versus Cauterização Submucosa para Hipertrofia da Concha Nasal Inferior
José Antônio Patrocínio*, Lucas Gomes Patrocínio**, Joslei dos Santos Paro***, Henrique de Araújo Alvarenga***, Pérsio Matos Amaral***, Ramiro Javier Yepez Reinhart***.
Key words:
partial inferior turbinectomy, submucosal cauterization, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.

Introduction: Nasal obstruction is the most common chronic presenting complaint encountered by otolaryngologists. Most respond to clinical treatment, but in some cases, surgery is necessary. There is no consensus on which technique should be used. Objective: To compare the effect of partial inferior turbinectomy (PIT) and submucosal cauterization (SMC) for the treatment of chronic hypertrophic inferior turbinate. Methods: Twenty-eight patients consecutively attended with diagnosis of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis were operated. Surgical treatment was randomized for each nasal fossae and for each patient. Follow-up was accomplished at 1, 7, 14 and 30 days. The patient’s nasal obstruction was evaluated subjectively by the patient and by the specialist, using a Visual Analogic Scale (VAE) with values ranging from 0 to 10. The Student’s t-test was used for difference of averages for EAV data and the c2 test or the Fisher’s exact test for the complications and the therapeutic success rates. Results: Therapeutic success occurred in 96% of TPI and in 71% of CSM (p<0,05). In subjective evaluation (EAV), patients and otolaryngologists considered TPI statistically better than CSM for nasal obstruction relief, after 30 days (p=0,047 and p=0,011, respectively). Pain, bleeding and synechia were statistically more common in TPI (p<0,05). We concluded that both procedures are relatively safe and effective, but TPI is statistically more effective than CSM for subjective improvement of nasal obstruction caused by chronic hypertrophic inferior turbinate, after 30 days of follow-up.



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