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Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 3  - July/Sept Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Analogic and Computerized Vestibular Evaluation in Patients with Metabolic Disorders
Avaliação Vestibular Analógica e Computadorizada em Pacientes com Distúrbios de Origem Metabólica
Juliana Rollo Fernandes*, Cristina Freitas Ganança**.
Key words:
tests of vestibular function, vertigo, metabolic diseases.

Introduction: Due to the high sensibility of the vestibular system, the relationship between vestibular symptoms and alterations in other organs or systems is frequent, mainly with the metabolic system, since the inner ear spends much energy for its appropriate operation. Objectives: To verify the occurrence of alterations of the vestibular system in patients with metabolic disorders. Methods: 40 individuals with metabolic disorders (23 to 82 years) were submitted to a vestibular evaluation, half of them in with analogical and half with computerized evaluation. Results: 26 individuals (65%) presented alterations in the vestibular exam and all were peripheric. In 65% of the cases, the vestibular alterations were associated with cochlear alterations. The most relevant symptoms found in this population were tinnitus (62%), vertigo (34%), mainly in crises (59%) and dizziness (30%). Other symptoms as auricular fullness, vision darkening and nausea were also found, but with smaller relevance. Conclusion: The metabolic alterations often affect the function of vestibular system and may be related to the present alimentary habits.



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