All Issues
Year: 2004  Vol. 8   Num. 4  - Oct/Dec Print:
Case Report
Texto Text in Portuguese
Doença de Castleman: Case Report and Literature Review
Doença de Castleman: Relato de Caso e Revisão de Literatura
José Francisco Salles Chagas***; Thiago Pinto Bezerra*; José Ricardo Bombini*; André Luís Del'Arco*; Ricardo Musumeci Silenci*; Regiane Cristina Santos*; Valdomiro Faustinoni Filho**; Roberta Ariwa Jomori**; José Eli Baptistella****.
Key words:
giant lymph node hyperplasia, Castleman’s disease, cervical adenopathy, Castleman\'s tumor.

Introduction: Castleman\'s disease is a lymphoproliferative benign rare disorder that most often presents as mediastinal adenopathy, but can affect head and neck region as a cervical adenopathy of unknown etiology. Objective: We present a case of this rare disease affecting cervical region to remember this hypotesis as a differential diagnosis of cervical adenophaty, although the most common is the thoracic disorder. Case report: A 27-year-old male patient, with clinical history of a cervical mass for seven months, evaluating with progressive and painless growth. Conclusion: With this case report we underline the clinical significance of this pathology for the differential diagnostic of cervical adenopathies for accurate diagnosis and treatment approach.



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