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Year: 2005  Vol. 9   Num. 2  - Apr/June Print:
Original Article
Texto Text in Portuguese
Fibrin Tissue Adhesive: Concepts and Applications on 31 Myringoplasty
Adesivo de Fibrina: Conceitos e Aplicações em 31 Miringoplastias
José Evandro P. de Aquino*, Renato Vicente Alves**, Suzana Maria Giancoli**, Fabiano Haddad Brandão**, Dorothy Eliza Zavarezzi***, Julia Negro P. de Aquino****.
Key words:
fibrin tissue ahesive, tympanoplasty.

Introduction: The fibrin tissue adhesive can be used in myringoplasty, especially in minor perforations, either central or marginal, and in patients with single-ear showing hearing loss and frequent otorrhea. Objective: To report our experience with fibrin tissue adhesive in myringoplasties. Methods: Twenty patients (31 ears) with tympanic membrane perforations and indication of myringoplasty underwent surgery. The temporal fascia obtained from the postauricular region is placed inside the perfuration and pulled outside in order to ensure complete coverage of the perforation, and then fixed with fibrin glue. Results: The success rate for the closure of ear drum perforation was 80,6% and showed its therapeutic effectiveness of this method. Conclusions: Considerable progress has been made. Our postoperative results are characterized by a functional improvement in hearing, a low reincidence of perforations and adhesive processes, and better wound healing in cases of complicated tympanoplasties.



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