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Year: 2005  Vol. 9   Num. 2  - Apr/June Print:
Texto Text in Portuguese
Gustav Killian - a Milestone in the Otorhinolaryngology
Gustav Killian - um Marco na Otorrinolaringologia
Roberto Campos Meirelles*, Roberto Machado Neves-Pinto**.

Introduction: The German otorhinolaryngologist Gustav Killian was certainly a milestone in the Otorhinolaryngology field. Objective: The authors review the literature and outline his biographical profile with the most remarkable contributions to ORL worldwide. Review: Among his legacy, special emphasis was given on: 1) his technique of rigid bronchoscopy, created in 1897, which persisted for almost 70 years as the standard diagnosis and therapeutic procedure for bronchopulmonar diseases; 2) systematization of the submucosal resection of nasal septum in 1899, which was lately called Killian´s technique, a pioneer contribution to nasal surgery largely applied as first choice procedure all over the world until 1960, when it was gradually replaced, but still used in present time under certain circumstances; 3) creation and manufacture of the longer nasal speculum. Comments: Genial contributions of major and minor importance were performed by Gustav Killian for the otorhinolaryngology field and this knowledge is likely to be extended to the younger professionals.



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