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Ano: 2013  Vol. 17   Num. 3  - Jul/Set
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-97772013000300003
Original Article
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Cirurgia endoscópica no tratamento da pneumatização da crista galli evoluindo com cefaléia frontal localizada
Endoscopic surgery in the treatment of crista galli pneumatization evolving with localizated frontal headaches
Jan Alessandro Socher1, Pedro Geisel Santos2, Vinicius Cidral Correa3, Leandro Caetano de Barros e Silva3.
Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery; Video-Assisted Surgery; Headache.

Introduction: The crista galli is part of the ethmoid bone and thus may suffer from the process of pneumatization. Pneumatization occurs in between 3% and 14% of patients, resulting from air cells in the frontal or ethmoid sinuses. Aim: To describe 3 cases of crista galli pneumatization in which the patients developed infection and were treated surgically by endoscopic techniques. Method: We present 3 case studies of patients complaining of severe frontal headaches. The patients underwent ENT evaluation, examination by video-endoscopy, and computed tomography, which identified crista galli pneumatization with mucosal thickening and the presence of fluid. Patients underwent treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids; however, they showed no symptomatic improvement, displayed recurrence of symptoms, and maintained radiographic changes. Thus, patients then underwent drainage through the crista galli via an endoscopic procedure. Discussion: During surgery, mucopurulence and/or mucosal thickening and edema were identified in the pneumatized crista galli. There were no complications during or after surgery. Postoperatively, headache was improved in patients after a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Conclusion: Crista galli pneumatization can result in infection, simulating rhinosinusitis. When there is little response to drug therapy, endoscopic surgical treatment is required; the current cases demonstrate that this technique is safe and effective.



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